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THE PROCESS: reflections

The Process tells the story of a woman experiencing a miscarriage when attempting to conceive her second child at the age of 42. While it speaks to the difficulties and mental strain that a miscarriage can place on a family, it also talks about how this and similar experiences become stigmatized due to a lack of active dialogue. As miscarriages are incredibly isolating, it is important for women to remember that they are not alone in experiencing them. This piece presents narrative medicine as it shares a unique perspective on miscarriages, normalizing that this challenging experience happens shockingly often. It can be therapeutic for patients' experiences to be written about and understood, even from the outside perspective of a family member, and not skewed into the light under which others see their situation.
Interactive prompt

Consider a time you felt at peace with chaos. This can be from any segment of your life - professional, social, personal, etc. The good in situations sometimes stems from the bad. If you choose to do so, challenge yourself to write about this thought experiment, and see what feelings it reveals.

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